
Showing posts from May, 2012

Does Age Really Matter In A Relationship

“Age is just a number” said one man. “I would rather date a guy who is at least eight years older than me,” said a woman in her early twenties. The majority of people feel that a man should be older that his woman if they are to make a good couple. But, is it true that age is just a number and it has no bearing on the quality of a relationship? Why do people refer to age with such importance? What are the realities on the ground?                                                                                                                                                                  ...

Can Sex Guarantee The Success Of A Relationship?

In most relationships, women are pressured into having sex and most of them give in with the view of not losing their lover. Is it possible to have a relationship without sex? Can premarital sex be used to show how much you love each other? Can sex guarantee that a relationship will work? Is a sexless relationship possible? Sex comes into the picture because one of the mates is demanding for it; or you both feel it is just the right thing to do. This is mainly because of what the mind has been fed and what your community has made you believe. As human beings, we have been created with desires which are very strong. Sex is one of them. But along with those desires, we have also been granted the privilege of having outstanding self control compared to other animals. Therefore, that is the reason why not everyone in a relationship is having sex. But many are doing it out of their own free will. In simple terms, a clean relationship is very possible as many have done it and many are sti...