
Should my Woman Have Male Besties?

 She confides in him even about the matters you discuss as a couple. They have known each other for years and don't see any problems with their friendship. Are there any red flags to this habit? Should your woman have a male best friend?  Who is this male bestie? This is the first question that needs an answer. The famous male bestie refers to a male who is a good friend to your woman. In some cases, their friendship extends through many years. They may share many things and consult each other on various sensitive issues. In some parts of the world, such a person is almost like her brother. In other places, it is an open-ended affair handled differently.  Are there any red flags to male besties Some people manage maintain such ties even after they get married to others. The mutual respect displayed by such is noteworthy. But this is only a small fraction. The huge majority hide in the friend zone while either entertaining an affair or hoping for one. It is usually a time bomb ready

How To manage a Talkative Partner

 It's always difficult to handle a partner who is always talking. Sometimes you may have things to share with them, but they have no room for listening and giving you a chance. Below are some suggestions you may use when dealing with such a partner.  Give them attention The basic way to deal with them, is to respect them by giving them attention as they speak. This is never an easy task. By listening, you also show them respect and create room for them to give you the same attention when it's your turn.  Never cut them off abruptly You already know your partner so well. It is not like you don't expect them to talk too much. Allow them to talk, but when you need to stop them, do it gently and lovingly.  Set and respect boundaries together  There is always going to be a time when you need some quiet time while they need to continue talking. You will only strike a balance if you can work together to let them know when you need some quiet time. In some cases, you may also need

What Shows That A woman Loves You?

You don't need to continue guessing. A woman who loves you will show it. But different women have their own ways of showing it. Others are reserved and too shy, while others are jovial and outgoing. Below are some general signs you may look out for:   She loves being around you: This is one of the signs you can never miss. A woman that loves you will always enjoy your company - even when you fight :)  She supports your goals: A loving woman will support your progress. She will stand by you as you work your way through your targets.  She communicates freely with you: She finds it easy to communicate with you. In this case, she even shares her thoughts on a variety of issues freely.  She creates time for you : Even if she is too busy, there is always room for you. In some cases, she can easily reschedule some things just to make time for you.   She easily sacrifices for you : You are going to find that she easily makes sacrifices for you. In the end, she is selfless for you.  She s

Can I Check My partner's Phone?

The curiosity of checking on your partner's phone is always there. It's an urge you have to deal with constantly. Before you decide to check on that phone, you need to be sure about what you want to get out of it. But let's deal with some bitter truths involved in this. Privacy or cheating space? This is the bigger item you have to be clear about. Are you giving your partner some privacy by staying away from their phone or you are simply giving them room for cheating. If they rush to grab their phone from you when you hold it, be patient. Avoid rushing to conclusions. Your partner deserves some level of privacy, it's only natural. This leaves room for other areas of their life which include their professional activities. But, the bottom line is that this is the excuse many cheating partners use as they keep their private messages away. Your task should be to differentiate between privacy and cheating. By being reasonable and avoiding a pushy approach, you will allow the

First Things You Need To Do After Getting Engaged

  There are things you have to do after the engagement. In most cases, these are things that are very easy to forget and ignore. But when they are not done, some of them can bring more complications and problems. many couples have made such mistakes in the past and the mistakes came haunting them later. But you can take avoid such mistakes and make wise decisions. But you need to know what to do so that avoid mistakes. Most of these are small things that may not even amount to anything when you think about them. But their importance is not something you can ignore. Announce to the families Here is where you need to get it right. You do not need to announce to one of the two families. The advice is that you announce to both families. If you get engaged without them knowing, you should not expect them to support you. In some cultures, you may even have heavier complications along the way. But the best solution is to let them know about your intentions. If you decide to announce onl

Top 5 Wedding DIYs

  Planning a wedding takes a lot of effort and commitment. That is why many couples decide to hire a wedding planner to carry the headache and do the rest. It is clear that this makes things smart and swift. In fact, some people go for a wedding planner because they are afraid of making mistakes on that day. Their main worry is that they may mess it up somewhere. Well, that is the fear you should never have for your big day. You have the capacity to handle many tasks without messing up big time. That is why we will take time to sample some DIYs that you can pick up and do them. These are not complicated tasks. They are all within your reach. 1.         1. Arrange your own bouquet of flowers This is might sound like one of the tasks you can manage on your own. Yes, you can do it. But you will not commit an offense by asking for help. You can feel free to consult others where you need help. In fact, this is the approach you need to take all the way as you go. Let's get back to ou

How To Become A Good Wife For Your Hubby

A good wife is every man's marvel. She is the pride and pillar of a loving marriage. Even if you have been through a rough background, or you have an inconsiderate partner, you can still make an excellent wife. If you are not yet married, this is an eye opener for you to make a good wife for your your future husband. Here are some qualities you need to look into; Practice Respectfulness If you find it hard to respect elderly members of society, then you can be sure that even your husband won't have it easy. You will surely not respect him. Respect seniors around you despite their shortcomings and status in society. That definitely includes your partner. In private and in public, show him the respect he deserves. Be Industrious and well organised  This does not mean that you must run a firm or some big company. It simply requires that you become a well organised person at individual level. Every man looks forward to being around that woman who knows what she wants and g