Qualities Of A Potential Wife
There are qualities that can indicate whether your girlfriend is potential wife material or not. These qualities of a potential wife can be seen even before you start dating. You can even tell from afar whether you need to start dating her or you are better off leaving her alone.
The unmistakable indicators
The distant qualities of a potential wife start with a casual - but objective oriented - observation. You will see the way she treats the people around her; the way she reacts when she is offended; the way she carries herself in public; and even how she fares in a group of friends. But to be sure that you are dealing with your future wife, the list below can help:- A loving personality: This should not be confused with an ever-smiling and giggling character. No! Look at how the lady treats her family and friends - including pets. You will see clear evidence of love and care.
- A respectful personality: She should have respect for seniors around her and superiors. The best indicator can come from how she treats her parents when things go wrong.
- A forgiving personality: She should not have the quality of recording issues and sticking to them -even after prolonged discussions. This quality indicates her ability to make peace in the home.
- An industrious woman: Industriousness is not to be confused with having a well paying job or running a profitable business. This quality indicates how she will use initiative to work with the husband to the benefit of her family.
- A flexible and adaptive personality: You will see how she adapts when situations change even on small issues. For instance, when her friends decide to change tour plans at the last minute, how does she fit in? Is she a stubborn character?
- A modest personality: If she will always want to be right and claim that her opinions are always perfect, then you have a master debater. She needs to accept her limitations as a woman and human being.
- A teachable character: Even if she is flexible, if she has no zeal to learn new things, you have to trade with caution. This quality will allow her to pick instructions and use them effectively.
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