How Should You Handle Promises In Your Relationship?
When Mary was getting married, the husband promised her a romantic honeymoon; but when they got married, he failed to honor that promise. There are some questions we can ask. When should you make a promise? What should you do in order to avoid breaking promises? What are the dangers of breaking promises?
The right time for promises
The right time to promise your love is supposed to be when all the factors indicate that you are going to fulfill that promise. If you have doubts about marrying someone, you do not need to rush into uttering that statement. The following factors can help in determining the right time:
1. You know the person very well: The chances of breaking promises are high with strangers. Know your partner first.
2. You are able to live by your promise: You need to be sure that you mean what you are saying, and you have the ability to fulfill that promise accordingly.
3. Your partner is ready: You should gauge the readiness of your partner to receive your promise. Otherwise, if they are not ready, it will be challenging to fulfill the promise.
4. All factors have been double-checked: Even when you are sure that you are doing the right thing, make sure you double-check facts about the two of you. Some promises can be demanding, highly binding, and serious.
How to avoid breaking promises
In order to avoid breaking promises, take every promise as a serious vow. Therefore, avoid making promises impulsively. By avoiding rushing into any promises, you will preserve trust, dignity and reliability in your relationship. Sometimes, you will sense unexpected factors coming on board. In such a case, wait for the right time. Even when a promise is minor by nature, only utter it with the aim of seeing it fulfilled before or at the desired time. Naturally, a relationship will have promises. But its strength is not dependent on them. Rather, the strength of a relationship is partly vested in the ability and commitment to fulfill promises made.
The dangers of breaking promises
Breaking promises is one of the major reasons why many relationships fail. The earlier mentioned relationship where Mary's husband failed to honor his promise did not result in that. But, it left the husband less trusted by the Wife. It also needs to be realized that when you break a promise, you are leaving a history of lies. This can even cause your future relationships to fail. It may take many years to regain the trust lost over a, seemingly, trivial promise.
If, by any chance, you realize that you are unable to live up to the promise you made, communicate in time. When you keep quite, you turn your failure into a planned lie. Your partner will tell whether you are trustworthy or not by the way you handle those promises. Never take your promises casually, they mean, love, care and trust when kept
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