Do Rebound Relationships Work
Rebound relationships start shortly after someone goes through a break up. The heartbroken one looks for a shoulder to cry on with the view of alleviating the pain. Mostly such relationships involve someone using another person for personal gain. Another Heartbreak in the Making Rebound relationships can be compared to the use of a soothing mechanism like a block of ice when you are burnt or a bandage when you are injured. When the pain goes away, you have to throw away that bandage and move on. Similarly, such relationships come to an end when the heartbroken partner heals completely or has made steady progress in the healing process. In addition, the choice of a partner is not based on true love, it is based on the anguish of disappointment from the previous relationship. The mind attempts to prove that this person is still lovable and can do better than was portrayed by the previous heart breaker. In all this, you can notice that another heartbre...