
Showing posts from December, 2012

Can I Apologise with a Gift?

Samuel came home drunk and battered his wife when she delayed serving his meal. The following morning, she never talked to him as he left for work, but when he came back from work, he gave her a bunch of flowers which she threw in his face. The main question is, can you apologize with the presentation of a fitting gift? Why apologize? Upon looking at some factors that lead to apologies, it is very clear that deep emotions are involved. An apology comes in to mend an emotional wound that has been caused, and thus even the remedy should be related to that. If you insulted someone and then you bring the best packed lunch for them, what message are you sending? It is like congratulating them for receiving the insults! That is why you need to focus on the reason behind your apology. It is meant to resolve emotional matters, not to supplement some material cravings! When should A gift be presented? The right time to present your gift is monitored by the circumstances surro...

Is it Always Wrong to have Sex Before Marriage?

Wendy was in a relationship when her boyfriend started demanding for sex persistently. Her mother had told her never to open up to any man before marriage. But when she consulted her friends, they were even shocked that she was still a virgin at 21 and they encouraged her to go ahead. We will come back to the story later. Modern society has come to accept that when two people truly love each other, sex is acceptable even before getting married. Who is telling the truth? Your friends and certain elders will tell you that you can only show your man how much you love him by sleeping with him. But people who have brought you up - mum and dad - will be of the view that you wait for your marriage mate. Who is telling the truth? Firstly, you may need to ask it this way, "Whose word would you trust between your parents' and friends'?" Our friends are filled with the youthful passion and they are too inexperienced to be trusted. In fact, the majority of them will tell you t...

Have You Discovered what Makes your Lover Happy?

One man's meat can be another man's poison just as one woman's rose can be another woman's garbage. People differ by their tastes and it is not possible to expect your spouse to like what someone else does. Never work on assumptions, get to know your best friend closely. Unmistakable signs to look out for When your spouse or lover speaks, listen and focus on how they react to some products and ideas. If, for instance, you were to buy your woman the Latest Iphone on the market, how would she feel? To get the answer, you can ask her informally and see how she responds. On the other hand, if you were to buy your man a plain Long Sleeved Shirt Or Sunglasses, how would he respond? Perhaps you already have the answer if you have tried this in the past. Look at the kind of items your spouse likes buying or tries to buy many times. In some cases, you may not need a gift to make your lover happy. You could think of helping your lover to discover the advantages of online mark...

How do You Intend to Spend 2013 as a couple?

In the year 2012 you noticed so many things that went wrong. These have even overshadowed the best moments you had as you carry out your review. Many questions still linger in your mind about the objectives you set at the beginning of 2012 as a couple. Perhaps you wanted to Reduce Your Weight drastically, but nothing worked. Maybe you just wanted to prepare a Surprise package for your parents , spouse, or best friends? Now that 2013  is just about to start, how do you intend to spend it as a couple? The best New year resolutions for couples One of the best goals you can set for 2013 is to show love to people who truly matter in your life - starting with your parents and kids. This naturally makes it easy to achieve a variety of objectives because no man is an island. Remember some of the most difficult times you have had with your spouse or fiance during the year 2012. Do not just focus on how heartbroken you have been as a result of such events. Try to focus on the lessons yo...

How can you distinguish Love from infatuation?

Love and infatuation have one serious fact in common: They both come with real passion and serious fondness. The craving that the partners have for each other normally appears indistinguishable. The danger is that you may end making a serious decision with someone who is just infatuated by you and at some point reality will reveal that you are in a loveless relationship. But to be safe, you have to identify the unmistakable signs of infatuation. Unmistakable signs of infatuation To begin with, infatuation also has the same outward display of attachment as real love. But look out for the following sure signs or indicators:    1.    Show and boastful: The person who is infatuated tries their best to show off extensively what they appreciate about you. Even the kind of introductions will show    2.    Hates being on the spot: This partner will try by all means to avoid soul-searching and serious questions that will put them on the spot...