Never Underestimate the Power of Words in a Relationship
Words can build a relationship or strengthen it. They can also be used to bless a king and most importantly we use them even to praise God. But the same words can tear lovers apart, and break a relationship; they can be used to insult a king and sin against God. The secret lies in how you use them.
Put your tongue under control
It is always important that before you utter a word, you think over it more than once. Others can even tell you that it is better to endure physical abuse than receive the pain of harsh words. To be successful, it is better to use the ratio 2:1 (Two to one). Listen twice as much as you speak. After all, you only have one mouth despite having two ears. Before you utter a word, think through it and ensure it is safe to be released.
Even if you know what your partner is about to say, just recline your ear and listen. Don't rush to offering your opinion before listening fully. In simple terms, don't allow the tongue to control you. Put it under control. Otherwise if you feel like punishing your mate verbally, then keep quiet or walk away. Some might think you are being weak by keeping quiet. But that is where your strength and dignity lies.
Use Words to build your relationship
Instead of attacking your partner and complaining about things that are not going right all the time, you are better off using your words to build that relationship. If you have noticed your partner making serious strides in correcting past mistakes, why not say a heartfelt 'thank you please keep up the spirit honey' or 'I love what you are doing lately, please continue my love'. The length of a relationship doesn't matter. If you are not using the words properly, your relationship can easily go down.
Talk to Each Other, Not at Each Other
In most cases, there is a problem of talking at each other instead of speaking to each other. When you speak at each other, you raise your voice and your goal is to win that argument. But in speaking to each other you mind, not just what you say, but even the way you say it and when to do so. You only need to scream at your partner when your house is on fire, and always remember to treat others the way you would love to be treated. The same sweet words you wish to hear from your partner, use them on her; use them on him today. Announce to him how much you love him, maybe that is the time you can raise your voice. And mind the tone all the time.
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