Discover The Best Gift For Your Man

She bought a golf T-short on his birthday. But to her surprise, he only wore it once. The next time she asked him about it, he had already sold it. She was devastated. Is there a way of convincing your man to like or enjoy your gift? What should you do if your man does not accept your gift? How can you find out the best gift for your man?

Can you convince your man to like your gift?
Sometimes, men fail to accept gifts because they don't seem to appreciate the benefits, or they have been misguided into wrong perceptions about certain products and items. Therefore, you need to prepare his mind by letting him know the benefits of wearing that T-shirt, or the benefits of using that product. Convincing your man to take up your gift is an art of making him look at that gift from your view point - especially the spirit in which you are doing that. Don't focus too much on the amount of money spent. If it is an outfit, let him know how attractive he looks in your eyes when he puts it on. But, be careful not to coerce him into accepting it, or leaving it in the hands of chance.

When your man refuses to receive your gift.
You spent money and effort in order to acquire that gift; and you were sure it was going to be benefit him. His refusal can be very painful. But, at this point, you have to start by listening to his reasons. If some reasons given are too flimsy, try to reason with him. But if all your efforts fail to yield anything, you have to respect his decision. But, for the good health of your relationship, do not kick revenge. Some men are funny indeed. You may buy him a book about Romantic suspense when he might have been expecting a spare part for his car :) Don't give up on him. Just understand what to avoid next time. However, if he continues with the same habit for no reason, let him know how you feel.

Find out the best gift for him
The best way to avoid getting frustrated when you give your man a gift is to find out before hand, the best gift that can make his heart thump. Men are usually point-blank communicators. Just ask directly and he is going to tell you what is close to his heart. However, imagine getting to buy the best romantic book on Amazon only to find that he is not into reading such books. Help him to appreciate the quality of the book you bought him and why you insist on Amazon. But most importantly, listen to him very carefully and watch him as he reacts to your gift. You will definitely know what to do next time.



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