How To Tell Your Girl That She Has a Bad Breath

She comes close to you while you immediately hold your breath avoiding the choking air coming from her mouth as she speaks. But she is not aware, so she continues learning closer to you in her usual romantic way as she speaks. You have been waiting for the right opportunity to tell her, but it doesn’t seem to be coming. This article can even be applied to men with similar issues.

Where Do You Start From?

Telling your girl about this problem can not just be done abruptly. You need to be very tactful yet honest, considerate, helpful and loving. Is this the time you need to buy her a present? When she hears about her bad breath, she is likely to toss it in your face. Prepare her mind psychologically, by asking for forgiveness in advance; and reminding her that what you are going to say is going to hurt. Do not keep her anticipating. Say it in as polite and loving a tone as you can – basing on the way you know her. Ask her if anyone has ever mentioned it to her? Whatever the reaction, be prepared to offer any possible solutions you feel might be of help.

Now here is the catch, put yourself in your partner’s shoes. Naturally, each one of us can have a reaction of irritation when such an honest – yet serious – revelation is made. Therefore, do not take it that your mate now hates you when you see her reacting too negatively. She will come around and appreciate what you just did. Most men would take it as a sign of disrespect when their women tell them about such things. But that is also a short lived reaction which can easily die down when there is true love.

                                Realities Ahead Of You

When you discover such trivial, but irritating and serious, problems about your lover – like his/her bad breath – the reaction you may receive can easily cause you to lose your temper. Avoid being blunt, aggressive, harsh, impolite and forceful as you handle this matter. Remember, while buying her a real diamond for a present might speak volumes about how you treasure her, your handling of such a matter will actually speak louder and stronger than that diamond. Present your diamond after you have sorted out such issues.

What if she takes offence and refuses to have anything to do with you? For most women, such an instant reaction is expected. But what is important is how much you love each other in that relationship. If a relationship can come to an end, it can not be because of telling your partner about the bad breath they have. It can usually be due to the way you present the whole matter and other issues. There are people ridiculing your partner, and even you, because of that problem. Help your partner by letting her know about it and work together to sort it out.


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