Should We Ignore Dangers Of Abortion And Adopt It As A Human-right?

The majority of countries around the globe which have prohibited abortion have only promoted secret and dangerous abortions, while countries that have managed to accept it have deliberately ignored all dangers of abortion.

Why People Abort

There are many reasons that cause people to abort;
·         Economic challenges: The parent(s) may feel that they will not manage to support the child with their limited resources
·         Relationship tensions: If the child has been denied by the father, some mothers think it is better to get rid of the child and forget about the whole issue.
·         Preserving integrity: Most people think that by getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy they preserve their dignity, and ignore the dangers of abortion, as no one will associate them with promiscuity in future.
·         Mental indecision: Some decide to abort because they are not ready to become parents yet
·         Family and peer pressure: Some women are forced to abort after giving in to the mental torture coming from the family and friends. Others are just pressured by people close to them to take up the step
·         Ignorance: Most youngsters are told that it is the easy way out of their mistake and they follow the advice without knowing what lies ahead.
·         Traditions And Customs: Some traditions have rough punitive measures imposed on girl who acquire unwanted pregnancies. This forces such people to take abortion as the only solution to save their souls. Others are afraid of being dismissed from academic arrangements (schools and colleges)

The Dangers Of Abortion

There are many dangers of abortion.
(i)                 You kill a life which is recognized in the eyes of God. You commit murder.
(ii)               The tension in the relationships does not end with abortion; it actually sparks it in a different dimension.
(iii)             You lose your integrity eventually because others come to learn about what you did.
(iv)              It is very dangerous to your health when done at a wrong time or carried out by a wrong doctor/nurse/person. You can have a terminal complication or even lose your life!
(v)                You get rid of the child, not the guilty conscience. You will be tormented for the rest of your life for that act.
(vi)              The dangers of abortion reflect the amount of disrespect you show for life when you do it. 

Should It Be Adopted As A Universal Human Right?

As you read this, you are alive because your mother never contemplated abortion, not because she had no reasons. But because she knew you were going to be an adult one day as you are today. Adopting abortion as a human right will definitely cause us to get rid of the Bill Gates of tomorrow, the Obama of the future, and the Mandela of a united land. With all the dangers of abortion in focus, it would be highly unfortunate and unforgivable to allow the taking of innocent lives be perpetrated in the name of human rights.

If you are worried about how you are going to take care of that child, be assured that there are people who have raised children in more pressing and calamitous challenges than what you are facing. Think about people who can never even have a privilege of reading this article because such facilities are in their distant dreams.  Save a life by telling the next mother never to contemplate abortion. Let them know about the dangers of abortion they will face. 

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